Friday, October 10, 2014

What I'm Listening To

I love music. I love the first listen of an album, I love listening to the radio in the car, I love music as background noise. The point of all this is that I listen to music all the time, and while I try to vary the genres, I end up getting caught on a particular song, style, or album for a week or a month at a time. This can be new, just-released tunes or it might be an old album I forgot I had, or an artist I downloaded but never explored.

So I've decided to share a couple of the things I've been overplaying recently. The point of this post is not to pretentiously recommend the new underground band or harp on how great old albums like Meteora were. Hopefully someone will be inspired to look up an artist they'd forgotten about, or check out a song they'd never heard before. 

Just beware, I have a strong and unrelenting love for trashy pop, the 90's, Juicy J, and Celtic music.

I'm going to try to make this a decently regular thing, and I encourage all those with access to the blog to do the same. Or any guests who want in...(?) Yay, blog!

Life's A Bitch - Nas (ft. AZ)

Obviously not a new song, but one I've listened to on the metro for what seems like every day of the past 2 weeks. I'd read a couple reviews of the new documentary "Nas: Time is Illmatic," which chronicles the genesis of and inspiration for Nas' seminal album Illmatic. Spoiler: the Queensbridge projects don't look like a great place to be. Anyhow, this inspired me to give the album a full re-listen, and man, I never gave AZ's verse the respect it deserved. What a great fucking song. Visualizin the realism of life in actuality 

Anna Sun - Walk the Moon

Ok, this is sort of a cheat, I've been listening to this album since it came out, but I still enjoy this song whenever it comes up on shuffle. Definitely a guilty pleasure song, but Walk the Moon has a handful of those for me, including Jenny and Next in Line, so maybe I like them more than I'll admit. Have a listen 

God's Whisper - Raury

Credit for this discovery goes to Rembert Browne of and I give him much thanks. I'm not blown away by the other stuff I've heard from Raury, but he certainly has a different sound. Much respect for not having a Wikipedia page, and all I can say that I know about him is that he's 18, from Atlanta, and apparently Outkast and Kanye dig his stuff. I've been playing this banger non-stop around the apartment, much to the chagrin of Allie, who says it's "too much chanting and yelling." Well poo on her. Here's the video. 

Cover Me Up - Jason Isbell

Jason Isbell's first solo album Southeastern is one of the best complete albums I've ever heard and I fully recommend it. Separating himself from the brasher, louder style of music he played when with the Drive-By Truckers, Isbell has made an emotional, wonderful album highlighted by this love song. After a long battle with raging alcoholism (shoutout to Pedialyte), he presents a more soulful, grounded sound with only hints of the old twang of Southern rock. I could have easily picked Songs That She Sang in the Shower or the fantastic Live Oak. Track.

***Flawless (Remix) - Beyonce (ft. Nicki Minaj)

Seriously, who doesn't like this song? I'll give anything Nicki Minaj does a shot, and she and B absolutely kill this song, their first-ever recording together. Did you catch the horn sample from SpottieOttieDopaliscious? Did Jay-Z put the elevator line in? When will these two do an album together? If I had daughters, this is the kind of pop I'd want them to listen to: confident, badass women talking shit. Sorry Biebs. The Queen of Rap slaying with Queen B, indeed.

Hey Jude - Wilson Pickett (ft. Duane Allman)

This is one to turn up. Recorded when Duane Allman was just the session guitarist at the to-be-legendary Muscle Shoals studio, this Beatles cover rocks out. Pickett puts a whole lot of soul into this version, and he cuts loose as the horns and Duane's guitar crescendo. It's hard to take a classic like Hey Jude and make it even more likeable, and I would definitely say that I prefer this version to the original.

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