Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Survivalist Guide to Ultimate’s Unholy Weekend: Wildwood

I have attended and survived three Wildwoods. Three times I have bravely left my home for one weekend and ventured south, only to be attacked at the Bridge of Khazad-dum, and dragged to the depths of the Jersey shore. Each time I returned as Goemaat the Red, sunburned and with a hangover that makes you want to dunk your head in an icy tub.
Pictured: You, after Wildwood
But I digress, for all this information is not helpful for you, the reader, you who wants to understand just what is Wildwood, and how do I not die there? Wildwood has many perils, but this should help you mentally prepare for the weekend you cannot physically prepare for. Let's start with...

The Tournament
So, in theory, the point of Wildwood is to play Ultimate, but you don’t want to do that, do you? Didn’t think so. But just in case you feel like playing a couple points, know that this is beach Ultimate, which differs from regular Ultimate in that it is played on mounds of sand and not mounds of dirt. (Emery is a legend at this kind of Ultimate). You’ll play around 4 games on Saturday, which is stupid, so go find a shop that sells Daiquiris and buy some of those instead. It’ll help your hangover much more than running and sweating will, and you get a head start on afternoon drinking! But careful walking around, because you’ll encounter…

The Locals
Wildwood prides itself on being the biggest beach Ultimate tournament in America, and rightfully so. You’ll be surrounded by other Ultimate players at the beach and in town (they are the drunk ones with pinnie burns). But other people actually go to Wildwood as well, and they stay up late on rooftops as well, so you need to be able to navigate avoid them. The locals do not care about your sweet garb or summer jams, and short of asking you to punch them in the face for their YouTube channel, they just want you to Get The Fuck Out. So remember where you are staying this weekend; memorize the particulars of your roofdeck/party mansion and you won’t get mugged. Probably. But if the people don’t get you, gird your loins for…

The Food
While the majority of your Wildwood diet will consist of cheap beer and cheaper liquor, you will inevitably need to eat something that marginally resembles food. But fear not! You are near the beach, which means you are near Hot Spot IV, the Holy Grail of bad boardwalk food. Hot Spot IV will serve all of your morning hangover needs and will definitely not make you feel better. In fact, you’ll feel worse, and no, going to Hot Spots I-III would not have been a better choice. I’m not sure they exist. Embrace the Hot Spot IV. Love the Hot Spot IV. Be one with the Hot Spot IV. You’ll need its sustenance, because you sure as shit won’t be sleeping well…

Pictured: Hell
The Sleep
I’ll keep this short: sleeping at Wildwood sucks. Chances are you are crammed in a bedroom with 6-25 other people, so bed space will be at a premium. Bring a sleeping bag or blanket, but those floors don’t look very comfortable, so maybe don’t sleep. Besides, who wants to sleep through…

The Partying
Real talk: the best part about Wildwood is partying with everyone. In the past, the “place-to-be,” as much as there is one in the armpit of America, is the Binn’s Motor Inn. The roofdeck essentially operates sans rules, which means that late night parties are a must, and after the late night parties, late-late night bedroom dance parties are always an option too. The cheap beds are perfect for jumping on, so go ahead and break that bed frame because no idiot is going to spear themselves on that jutting out piece of metal.

*shuffles paper, prepares to move on to next point…*

What? That has happened before? Really? That sounds awful. Why would you want to go to a place where raucous behavior could literally leave you in stitches? This whole weekend sounds rather, um, unpleasant, and not to mention expensive. How can this be worth it?

Pictured: Winning

In truth, describing Wildwood to someone can really only make it sound like a gigantic mess where everyone leaves feeling like beat shit. But it’s a magical weekend that serves as a summer reunion of sorts, and often leaves us with great stories (see: local getting punched for his YouTube channel). And yes, it is probably the most expensive weekend of Ultimate you’ll have for quite some time, but that doesn’t matter in the long-run. So whether you’re a Wildwood veteran or new and fearful of the experience, treat it like a chance to be at the beach with a bunch of wackos you haven’t seen in a while and you’ll be happy you went. Even if you do get a nasty foot wound.

1 comment:

  1. Slaughterhouse-FifthsJuly 23, 2014 at 11:35 AM

    "The locals do not care about your sweet garb or summer jams..."

