Thursday, March 20, 2014

Winter's Bone (or, the State of Jive's Spring Season)

Thursday, March 20, 2014. 

The scientific name for this day is the Spring Equinox, but it is more colloquially known as the first day of spring. Or, maybe this year, the “is winter actually fucking over?” day. While I certainly hope that winter is done and dunmire, I must admit that I am not yet ready to celebrate the arrival of spring. Why? Because of a number: zero.

Zero is the number of games the Jive Turkeys have played this season. Well, not technically. There were those four winter leagues games (4-0), and the games at High Tide (3-5), but when it comes to games pertaining to college rankings and the postseason, Jive has played none. It’s March 20th, and we’ve not played a single “in-season” game.

Our original plan for the spring season was such: March 1-2 at Bring the Huckus (New Jersey), March 22-23 at Steakfest (Philly), and March 29-30 at Roll Call (Maryland).  Considering we need 10 games to qualify for end of the year rankings, we figured that three tournaments would more than secure us that number. Sound logic, until Winter Storm Gandalf and Co. stepped in and ruined our plan. Long story short, we dropped Huckus because of terrible conditions and changing field locations, and just this past week we received word that Steakfest was cancelled.

The news was crushing. We’ve been looking forward to Steakfest all season: The competition was good, the fields are usually very nice, and it represented our first chance to play as an entire team. If our goal is to finish in the Top-16 for D-III teams and earn another bid to Nationals, Steakfest was the place to start making that push. Naturally, we scrambled and tried to find another tournament for this weekend, but our efforts amounted to nothing more than frantic emails and pissed-off texts. River City Lights (a tournament that I know nothing about, so I will not explain it) had spots open, and was ready to have us attend. We hesitated, making sure that enough people would make the trip to Richmond, which, at close to four hours, was much more of a time commitment than Steakfest. In our hesitation, we lost our spot (to a B-team, because of course) and lost any chance of playing a tournament this weekend. So now we find ourselves on campus this weekend, waiting another week for Roll Call.

I’ve never really dealt with tournament cancellations, but from what has transpired over the past week, I can say that it sucks. I’d like to think that everyone who signed up to go is disappointed, but I won’t put words in people’s mouths. Instead, I’ll speak for the seniors. No matter the level of commitment, this spring seasons matters to the seniors. It is our final season with the team. Our last chance to create something with Jive. Our chance to go out on top. And because of a never-ending winter, we have not been able to do any of these things.

So until next week, I’ll be on campus, instead of playing Ultimate. I’m sure I’ll enjoy myself, but not in the same ways that I could have at a tournament. Furthermore, the cancellation of Steakfest already makes me nervous for Roll Call next weekend, seeing as though their fields are also polo grounds. (Polo grounds do not especially like cheap, college Ultimate teams tearing up their ground. They’d rather high-paying polo players did that.)

Maybe I’m pessimistic. Maybe I’m just bitter about Steakfest being cancelled. Or maybe I see my last season with this team slipping away, with none of us able to do anything about it. We’ll play Ultimate this spring; I’m certain of that. But how much of it will make me feel accomplished and how much of it will make me ask “what if?” Guess we’ll find out next month.

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